(from first-time trial snowskaters)
"...When I had my first run on them I was amazed how good they are. If you are on a flat part of the run you can skate very easy and don't have to walk. I was excited about trying the skates in fresh powder and we actually had luck and got some very nice fresh powder runs [on Blackcomb Mtn.]. I was surprised that powder is the best thing for the skates, because you can go down really steep parts. The control over them in powder is amazing." - A. B.
"...You can snowboard and do [snowskating] without buying different sets of boots and [bindings]. And on any flat sections you can just skate on them... Once you learn it, [snowskating is a] new sport... They're awesome! Moguls are the funnest part: really maneuverable around the bumps. I'd give them an 8-1/2 [out of 10]; they were really good for how bad the snow was [i.e. sticky, wet, mushy spring corn snow conditions up Whistler Mtn. this test run day in May]. Really fun, challenging..." - T. (see Whistler Mtn. Demo 2).
"...Moguls are hilarious!...They dig in well: you can sure dig into the hill; you can climb right back up.... Stopping, you can turn around, pull a 180 and then just stop yourself by doing a backwards snowplow; [or] you can just do a parallel stop like a hockey stop [as on ice skates]... Probably about half a run to get slightly used to them. It takes time to master; definitely a new sport. [On a scale of 1 to 10 for Fun: the snowskates rate:] I'd say about a Nine. They're hilarious! [On a scale of 1 to 10 for Challenge, this tester also rated them] a Nine. The carving is excellent: it just digs right in. Spinning is fun: if you just center your weight on the skates, then you can just spin right around... I liked them in the moguls; they were really good in the moguls. They're just a whole lot of fun. Like, the way they track, I think the challenge of riding them is part of the fun of them. It's definitely a new sport." - O. B. (see Whistler Mtn. Demo 2).
"...Like I said, that was some of the best sliding on snow I've done, ever!" - C. J. R., Mt. Timothy, mid-March, 2011 (see Sk8 Avatar demo).

"They were awesome! I would like to try them again. Awesome if you want to try something new."
"Very easy carving in soft snow. Controls easy while speeding on the hill!"
"Speed is good, nice and light. Would consider renting."
"It's like skiing with snowboard boots. Great fun, like skating on snow. Felt great. Awesome control. Good speed. Backwards [descending is] fun."
"Would love to go again. Easy to learn. If they came out to the public I would buy a pair."
"Super fun, not something to do everyday but definitely something I would buy to play with every once and a while."
"With practice they could be very entertaining and an exciting new way to enjoy the mountains!... Ski instructors were also interested in the snow skates and said they look very interesting. They're a cool new way to make the most of the white stuff!"
"It's like nothing else out there, [I] would definitely buy [a pair]. Incredibly fun & maneuverable. I want for Christmas!"
- Above, Grouse Mountain Rentals Staff product testers' written surveys, North Vancouver, B.C., 2008.
Avatar Snowskates
Pre-production model CADimation.
Topsheet, base may differ from that shown above.
"I really enjoyed the snowskate experience... I liked the fluted [tracking] contours on the base; they work well for gradual steering and maneuvers... Having ice skating experience is an advantage. Nice sharp edges! All around good product." - R. H., Snowboarding Instructor - Level 1, Mt. Timothy, Jan., 2013.
"Had a lot of fun, performed better than expected in deep snow. Really playful." - M. D., Maintenance Crew, Mt. Timothy, Jan., 2013.
"I've had the opportunity to demo the Avatar snowskates a couple of times now and had a blast. I was blown away by the quick action and the amount of edge control I had. I felt very free and creative as well. // I'd like to see the snowskates become a part of the ski industry!"
- R. H., Pro Shop Supervisor, Mt. Timothy Ski Area, March, 2013.